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Deep Tissue Massage

Are you experiencing muscle soreness, pain, or stress? Deep tissue massages can target deep layers of muscle and surrounding tissues to relieve pain, stiffness, and stress. At Dr. Picard’s office, we offer deep tissue massage therapy near Northport NY to help patients find much-needed relief. Continue reading to discover more information about this therapy and determine if it’s right for you.

What is Deep Tissue Massage?

Massage Therapy near Northport NY

Deep tissue massage is a therapeutic technique used to treat musculoskeletal issues. This type of massage therapy near Northport NY releases the patterns of tension throughout the body with deep finger pressure and slow strokes on affected areas. The pressure either follows or goes across the grain of the tendons, muscles, and fascia. The technique is referred to as deep tissue massage because it focuses on deeper layers of muscle tissue. Some of the conditions that deep tissue massage can help with may include:

  • Tennis Elbow.
  • Fibromyalgia.
  • Arthritis.
  • Sciatica.
  • Plantar Fasciitis.
  • Sports Injury.
  • Back Pain.

Benefits of Deep Tissue Massage

Deep tissue massage therapy near Northport NY differs from other massages as it requires more pressure than a typical relaxing massage. Deep tissue massage targets the underlying muscle tissues and the tension built from stress and exercise. While the thought of an intense massage may seem daunting, the benefits will have you breathing a sigh of relief. Some of the benefits could include:

  • Pain Reduction - Chronic pain and tension can be improved with deep tissue massage therapy, as it can loosen the tissue clusters causing pain.
  • Stress Relief - Deep tissue massage therapy can be a solution to the stress life throws your way. Stress and muscle tension causes inflammation, which negatively impacts your overall health. Massage can also increase oxytocin production, which can improve your mood.
  • Improved Injury Recovery - Deep tissue massage can help you recover from an injury. This treatment can improve circulation to reduce fluid buildup around the injury, relieve pain, and restore your range of motion.

Contact Us For Massage Therapy near Northport, NY

Whether you’re an elite athlete or suffering from arthritis pain, deep tissue massage therapy near Northport NY has many valuable benefits. At Picard Chiropractic, our massage therapist is dedicated to providing effective treatment and improving your overall wellness. Be sure to contact us today to learn more about deep tissue massage or request an appointment!